Soak Resistant Craft Paper: Neat creations with craft paper engineered with ‘sizing’ in 9″ x 12″ sheets for classroom or art projects. Use finger paint, watercolor, gel, tempera, markers, and more.
Essential For Art Rooms: Students indulge their creativity using vibrant wet paints-less mess or waste as it stays on the paper without soaking through to tables. Have fun making a masterpiece.
Versatile Supplies For All Ages: Kids of every age like trying different paints and application techniques using brushes, sponges, stampers, and hands. Nourishes fine motor skills and self-confidence.
Encourage Artistic Expression: Let curious students express themselves with excellent arts and crafts supplies. Stock up the classroom cabinet, school art room, or homeschool area with sturdy art paper.
A Company Teachers and Parents Can Count On: We’re proud to be innovators of classroom essentials teachers and families can trust. We’re dedicated to enhancing your learning environment.